a little bit of happiness
I’ve been always wanted to have a white nike Air Force shoes. I just love the design! Clean, crisp not too bulky for women too! I wish I have them in every color! I got mine in Kyoto when me and owl had our late-honeymoon after 1 year of marriage ;p but I am glad we did that. Instead of splurged our moola for wedding, home, renovation and honeymoon. We chose to have a small wedding instead with our close family and friends (although, up until now I always wish my grandma could made it to our wedding. bless her soul I love her dearly) And yeah! last year marked 3 years of our wedding!!! I painted and design our wedding invitation too and using dino as our mascot ;p since both of us love it.
my nike!!
So, back to the shoes! I decided to give a bit of life and happiness to my worn out nike. And I am in love with it! I just grabbed a marker and draw. Owl warned me, I should use proper tool to do that but I cannot wait! Also, any idea what proper tool should I use? I would love to get a new pair (since this pair got hole on the bottom haha!) Ok, here it is!!